“Fire Flower”
We combine the organic beauty of flowers in our zen garden sushi room to the brilliance of fire with our celebratory approach to hibachi and teppanyaki cuisine. We can’t wait to share this unique experience with our guests.


In Japanese, HANABI (花火) literally translates to "fire flower"- their description for fireworks. They were originally used to ward off evil spirits.

Fire Room

Ka translates to “Fire”
However, when paired with hana this character is pronounced bi.


Manjushage, or Red Spider Lily
Known as The Flower of the Heavens from Buddhist scriptures. One of those states red flowers will fall from the heavens as a signal of an upcoming celebratory occasion. Celebrate with us in our beautiful restaurant surrounded by nature.

SUSHI Flower Room
The light, garden-inspired Sushi Flower Room with its grand wall of windows. This relaxed area provides a backdrop for artfully prepared dishes, hand-crafted with quality ingredients.